
August 1st, 2020

Yesterday on 7/31/2020 I felt a huge push that something was going to change again in August. Something more than usual and I wanted to tap into the Holy Spirit and really listen to what the Lord was speaking. I kept feeling something in the pit of my stomach like something was coming. A few months ago I had heard from the Lord that their would be black outs or power outage in our country or moments when internet or electricity goes out having to do with the sun. While praying and doing my prophetic art a common theme that kept showing up in my art was a large wave in the ocean. Then the Lord began to highlight the book and movie called “The 5th Wave”. No surprise that when I looked up what the movie was about it described the 1st wave as black outs. Besides what I had been seeing and hearing about technology being abrupted I felt like there was a big shift coming. When I was rereading this word and I saw the word push I heard the Lord say one more big push and it reminded me a lot of birth.

In this season switching from summer to fall it will be a big launching for many businesses. Even in the current climate of our country I felt the Lord impressing on me that he will have many people launching their businesses for the first time birthing a dream the Lord put in their heart. I think because of the corona virus people are hoping we will be entering back into a sense of normalcy but I feel we are actually side stepping into something even more different than what we have already experienced. I actually see unity in adversity. I feel as if we are entering into a time of even more struggle and I had a dream that I believe sheds a bit of light. I had a dream about delicious produce in a burlap sack. However, when I reached my hand to grab the food I pulled out a sweet potato and it was so shriveled there was actually no potato. The potato was just skin and it did not grow correctly. Then as I cut into different fruits at the center they were all rotten even though they looked perfect on the outside. They were rotten through and through. The shift I saw with unity in adversity was communities coming together to help each other especially when it comes to food.

What I felt specifically in regards to this dream was that there was going to be a famine. I felt this was going to happen for a few different reasons. The first reason being the land being stripped making it unable to support the crops leading to a poor harvest and the images i saw in my dream. Even though the days are growing darker the Lords light will still shine brighter and his goodness more evident.The Lord has brought me to the story of the basket of figs in different places in the Bible many times. Most recently he has highlighted Jeremiah 24. In this chapter Jeremiah sees 2 baskets of figs, 1 basket is very ripe and ready to eat and the other basket is so bad that the figs are not edible at all. He equates these two figs to the people who listened to the Lord and allowed Babylon to take them captive into exile. He prophesied that those who would leave would surely be brought back and the lord would still allow them to prosper and keep his eye on them even in difficulty. Those who would leave and do the will of the lord were like the good figs. He explained those who remained stubborn in heart and refused to leave but grounded their feet to stay would be like the bad figs.

I felt a correlation to my dream and to the word I had given about Babylon. I had written a word titled “Babylon” where the Lord told me the U.S would be carried off into exile and come under another form of authority from another country. As we are entering into a time of great transition if we keep our eyes fixed on the Lord and go when he says go and stay when he says stay i know we will be blessed. Figs consistently represent the conduct of peoples character in the bible. Gods word says we will be known by our fruit or by our works. Sometimes we are more loyal to our own personal convictions grounded in christian values than we are to actually following the voice of God. In this season the Lord is asking us to do things we have never done before that might go against our own ideals that we have created. But as we step out into the unknown or launch out into the deep the Lord will shelter us with protection and bring so much blessing it will overflow the storehouse. I felt that what is going on in our world right now is similar to what Jeremiah saw in his vision of the 2 basket of figs. As America is very divided right now The Lord is saying, “are you going to do the will of the Lord which may look like leaving or doing something difficult or will you remain and stay the same as the people who refused to go to Babylon?” Those who are set on being divided will become more divided and those who are open to unity will become even more united in this time.