Handshakes to Handcuffs

I saw a great betrayal in the United States and I heard the word “blindsided”. I saw the 45th President of the United States making very comfortable and casual business arrangements with Russia. Russia’s intentions were to make the United States comfortable enough bait them or do a bait and switch. I saw an image of two people playing a game called “slaps”. The point of the game is one person holds their hands out flat with palms up and the other person rests their hands on top palms down. The person on top has to quickly move their hand off of the other person’s palms before they get slapped. The person on the bottom has the upper hand because they essentially have hold of the other person’s hands. They can use the art of surprise by jolting their hands and making the other person think they are going to slap. In reality they are waiting for them to get comfortable again and let their guard down, this is when they come in quickly with a slap. Similarly to the game of slaps Russia is on the bottom with the upper hand or bait. Their bait is a very prosperous business deal. This deal is momentous and would change the global economy completely.

However this deal is really just the “jolt” or the fake out to create a false sense of security. Once the U.S is in their palms it will already be too late because they will be in the bottom position of weakness or indebted in a sense. Once the U.S is made weak then Russia will put their iron cuffs or shackles around the U.S. Daniel 11:21 8:25-26. The surprise or jolt will happen because the U.S is so comfortable and things have gone smooth in the past. The weakening I see like in the movie “the little mermaid” When Ariel takes the potion from Ursula that she believes will make her a human. In reality it takes her voice away and makes her weak.

Russia will keep matters cool and bait the United States. When this happens the U.S will be drained. It has something to do with the stock market. The U.S leader was placed in position for such a time as this, to fulfill the prophecies. The U.S nation will be humbled and brought low. Isaiah 39 “ her treasure room will be raided and everything will be exposed. Reckoning will ensue. The nation will be carried off and many of its people scatter and for the first time in history some of the people will be called “American refugees”. But the remnant of God will remain prosperous.

The issues that revolved around the cold war were not resolved but merely prolonged and that is the fuel that will be leading the fire with Russia. There is a struggle for world power. I saw millions of Chinese troops in the cold barren grounds of Russia and Serbia. I saw the clashing of clans between china and Russia. I saw turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar wrapped up and intertwined almost like a peanut butter sandwich. The peanut butter and the jelly are all mixed within each other. I heard the word MUDDIED.

Pulling from my queen to king post, when I saw King Harry being placed and anointed into power I saw him cutting ties with many people. The biggest shock of the century is when he will cut ties with the U.S. This will be 100% directed by God. As Russia tries to move to #1 power in the world the UK will have to take drastic measures. There will be a great exposing of the U.s when he gets led into shackles a lot of dirty deals will be exposed with Russia this will be a part of The great fall. The U.s has to fall and not because the lord doesn’t love them but because a lot of the idols must be laid flat and leveled. The corona is just the beginning. It is always the heart of god to bring his people back to him and restore them. This is the lord’s desire for the United States. “For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back. Isaiah 54:7. When the Lord brings his people back to himself the nation will be built on a strong and firm foundation and it will be like a new birth or a rebirth of the nation. As mentioned in my Daniel Era post I believe God is raising up many prophets to have favor in the eyes of government like in Daniels time to have favor with kings and even captors.